2020 – Lake Fayette
We had a great turnout with 15 people fishing! The club can’t remember the last time we had that many fishing. We had a good day on the water even though there were about 4-5 tournaments going on. Super windy and cold as always during the beginning of the season. Special guest appearance by a swimming raccoon!
Here are the results for this months tournament:
1st Place: Tom with 214 points
2nd Place: Josh with 185 points
3rd Place: Scott with 180 points and 21.5″ Big Bass
Glenn with 177 points
Richard with 176 points
Dennis with 173 points
Leroy with 169 points
Randy with 149 points
Mike K with 129 points
John S with 126 points
Dave P with 90 points
Keith A with 85 points
David H with 72 points
Mike S with 35 points
Charlie with 0 points
Scott’s amazing big bass!! 21.5″

Glenn,David H (Webmaster), Leroy, and Richard with their catches….
AND our special guest of appearance…Mr Raccoon himself…