2022 – Houston County
We had a great time up at Houston County this past weekend! Friday was a bit windy, well, real windy. But Saturday turned out to be a pretty nice day! We changed it up last minute and went out of the public ramp, and I see why it’s public now. That ramp might be worse than the Resort ramp. So hopefully the Resort fixes theirs soon! But other than that, I think most people had a good day. It started off a bit chilly, but warmed up real quick.
Big thanks goes out to Bill and Lisa for putting up with us, I mean hosting us again on Friday night. I think everyone had a good time! There was quite the mess just before the gathering, but that got all figured out. (If you want details, ask Bill, as he was elbow deep in it) :D.
Here was the results of the tournament:
1st Place – Josh with 200 points
2nd Place – Tom with 187 points
3rd Place – Jeff K with 183 points and 22.5″ Big Bass
Scott with 152 points
Bill with 137 points
Jon S with 117 points
Leroy with 113 points
Chris L with 65 points
Mike D with 62 points
Jeff P with 49 points
Jose with 0 points
Hector with 0 points
Shout out to Jeff’s son that fished with him and also caught a bird in a bird house. Yes you read that correct. (How is this even possible! Pics or it didn’t happen!)
Next tournament is at Choke Canyon and is a Pick Your Partner!!