2022 – Lake Bastrop
We had a great turnout with 7 boats, 14 fisher persons on Saturday at Lake Bastrop.
A little bit of rain here and there but nothing heavy and of course that fog was intense.
You could hear a boat coming, but couldn’t see it.
Almost everyone caught fish, so overall we had a great tournament.
Here are the results for the month of January:
1st Place – Tie between Scott and Josh with 147 pts. Josh had 18″ Big Bass.
2nd Place – Jeff Pak with 138 pts
3rd Place – Jon S with 136 pts
Dave P with 130 pts
Tom with 128 pts
Glenn with 125 pts
John S with 120 pts
Leroy with 94 pts
Jose with 61 pts
Thomas with 60 pts
Gerry with 44 pts
Colby with 18 pts
Mike D with 0 pts
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 3rd.
The next tournament will be on Saturday, February 12th at Fayette County. See you guys out in the water!