2020 – Houston County
This month’s tournament took place at Houston County aka “stump city”, I know this because when the first time anyone fishes there they will know why. Even though Houston County can be a tough lake to fish on, it’s also a great place to catch monster bass, and we have proof…
and the juicy scores…
1. Jon 127 pts. 3 fish <~~ (how is this even possible?!)
2. Josh 113 pts. 4 fish
3. John 107 pts 5 fish
4. Mark 104 pts 5 fish
5. Glenn 103 pts 4 fish and big bass at 24.75 8 1/2 lbs
6. Scott 88 pts 6 fish
7. Paul 78 pts 3 fish
8. Bill 75 pts 3 fish
9. Leroy 62 pts 3 fish
10 Richard 48 pts 3 fish
11. Keith 14 pts 1 fish
12 Mike 1 pt (can’t remember why, but it’s possible for 1 point…) 0 fish
Great turn out for Houston County as always, here are Glenn and Jon with their great catches!