2020 – Houston County

This month’s tournament took place at Houston County aka “stump city”, I know this because when the first time anyone fishes there they will know why. Even though Houston County can be a tough lake to fish on, it’s also a great place to catch monster bass, and we have proof…

and the juicy scores…

1. Jon 127 pts. 3 fish <~~ (how is this even possible?!)
2. Josh 113 pts. 4 fish
3. John 107 pts 5 fish
4. Mark 104 pts 5 fish 
5. Glenn 103 pts 4 fish and big bass at 24.75 8 1/2 lbs
6. Scott 88 pts 6 fish
7. Paul 78 pts 3 fish
8. Bill 75 pts 3 fish
9. Leroy 62 pts 3 fish
10 Richard 48 pts 3 fish 
11. Keith 14 pts 1 fish
12  Mike 1 pt (can’t remember why, but it’s possible for 1 point…) 0 fish

Great turn out for Houston County as always, here are Glenn and Jon with their great catches!

Jon with one of three monster bass! Where are the other two?!
Big Bass Honors goes to Glenn! Nice one!


and we have a preview of Scott at the dinner before Houston County well prepared to do battle against Covid-19!